英语自我介绍作文 篇1I am a student of XXX university. People say that the students are the poorest in the society. I don't think so. Instead of being the poorest, the students are the richest. I always thought I had a lot of money because I had the knowledge, the potential, and the most important thing was that I had the potential. That's how I evaluate myself.
In my life, I followed the principle of simplicity, discipline and generosity, and I did not compare myself to my classmates, but rather than to s ……此处隐藏1585个字……is is me , a sunny girl .
英语自我介绍作文 篇8inmysparetime,iliketodoanythingrelatingtoenglishsuchaslisteningtoenglishsongs,watchingenglishmoviesortvprograms,orevenattendingtheactivitiesheldbysomeenglishclubsorinstitutes.iusedtogoabroadforashort-termenglishstudy.duringthattime,ilearnedalotofdailylifeenglishandsawalotofdifferentthings.